29 Best Lifestyle Blogs to Follow

The Lifestyle Blog niche is one of the most competitive blogging niches around. Lifestyle bloggers are competing against digital lifestyle magazines, in a niche that is already quite saturated. So lifestyle blogs that gain a large readership are of a high standard in both design and content.

Online mags often have huge budgets, a print edition as well as digital, and content that is varied and expertly written, with professional photos. But lifestyle blogs have an edge in that they can supply new content every day if they so wish. Lifestyle blogs are free to access whereas digital magazine editions can only be accessed through paid subscriptions.

For a lifestyle blog to thrive, the authors need to provide excellent, accurate content and photos that create interest and capture the readers’ imaginations. Lifestyle bloggers have raised their standards to compete with the best of both online mags and other lifestyle blogs.

But what exactly constitutes a lifestyle blog?

Let’s find out!

Defining Lifestyle Blogs

A lifestyle blog is defined as digital content representing the author’s everyday life and interests. The word “lifestyle” according to the dictionary means “habits, attitudes, moral standards, which together constitute the way of life of a given person or group”. (source: dictionary.com)

As a result, lifestyle blogs can fall into many micro-niches. This allows bloggers to provide content for a specific target audience. Lifestyle bloggers often promote products, brands, and services to monetize their blogs. So it’s almost essential that the person behind the blog is well-versed in whatever the specific topics are.

Here’s a shortlist of typical Lifestyle Blogging niches:

  • Luxury Lifestyle Blogs
  • Foodie Lifestyle Blogs
  • Home & Garden Lifestyle Blogs
  • Fashion Blogs & Beauty Lifestyle Blogs
  • Travel Blogs & Photography Lifestyle Blogs
  • Health & Fitness Lifestyle Blogs
  • Men’s Lifestyle Blogs
  • Natural Living Lifestyle Blogs
  • Outdoor Lifestyle Blogs
  • And Lifestyle Blogs for people with children (also called mom blogs or parenting blogs.)

Sometimes even these categories get split into various combinations, depending on the blogger. So you could end up with a Fashion and Travel Blog, A Natural Living Mom Blog, or even a Foodie and Photography Lifestyle blog.

Lifestyle blog vs. Personal blog

Lifestyle blogs are not personal blogs because they focus more on users (readers). The content is created here for the reader and his expectations. What’s more, lifestyle blogs focus on the author’s benefits, not just on telling stories.

In personal blogs, the most important are the author’s emotions and thoughts, who expresses his opinions, writes about his experiences, feelings, reflections. In the personal blog, the author himself is the most important, not the reader.

I can’t write about lifestyle blogs without mentioning a few from each niche. I’ve tried to give you a selection of the most captivating from each subgenre (or micro-niche). These Lifestyle blogs check all the boxes. They are fun, relevant, trendy, polished, and loaded with content that appeals to a specific target audience.

A Quick Note To Would-Be Lifestyle Bloggers

Before I launch into “Our Best Of” list, a word of caution to would-be lifestyle bloggers; even if you have many areas of interest yourself, try to whittle your content down to cover only one or two main topics. This helps when you are trying to grow a steady, loyal readership.

Male readers don’t want to read about fishing, fashion, and raising a brood of ankle snappers! A young professional will not be interested in “Ten Tips To Wean Your Child off Breast Milk”, and your Luxury Lifestyle blog will not impress our Tree Hugging friends who will recoil in horror at the decadence of luxury lifestyles! Readers who enjoy luxury will also not be impressed with Frugal Living!

On the other hand, the lifestyle blogging niche allows the most freedom for bloggers who genuinely do have a vast array of topics that pair well together. If you can create the content and maintain the variety, then you will create space for a wider readership.

You get the picture, right?

Let’s begin!

Top blogs in lifestyle category

This collection of blogs showcases the variety and range of lifestyle blogs that get it right!

1. Goop.com

Best blogs and bloggers
Goop – a lifestyle blog

Goop was one of the first lifestyle blogs to hit the circuit, way back in 2008. The brainchild of actress and mother, Gwyneth Paltrow, Goop covers everything for the modern woman. She focuses on wellness and how to create a balance between parenting and work. Something all working moms know about! She has a strong team behind her and Goop is a mini-empire in its own right.

Goop covers:

  • Beauty
  • Food & Home
  • Style
  • Travel
  • Wellness

Target Audience: Women of all ages and enlightened men.

2. The Pioneer Woman (thepioneerwoman.com)


This is a lifestyle blog that stands out for me. Unlike so many lifestyle blogs, Ree Drummond blogs about a lifestyle that all Americans know and love. Pure salt of the earth, rustic ranch life. The blog packs a punch! Ree has combined recipes, style, beauty, home & life, food & cooking, news, and entertainment. And great giveaways. She started as a lone ranger but now has a team of editors assisting her in keeping the blog relevant, trendy, and homegrown.

Target Audience: People keen on ranch-style living.

3. Brightbazaarblog.com

Best bloggers in lifestyle
Bright Bazaar – blog

Bright Bazaar blog was founded in 2009 by Will Taylor. This is the place where Will blogs about his love for colorful design, travel, and fashion. This blog is recommended by esteemed publishing houses Elle Decor, Martha Stewart Living, and many others.

If you need more home inspiration, look at other famous bloggers in the article: The Best Interior Design Blogs.

Target Audience: People who love design.

4. Cup of Jo (cupofjo.com)

The best blogs this year
A Cup of Jo

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Joanna Goddard is a perfect example of what can be achieved through blogging. Joanna launched Cup of Jo in 2007, as a hobby. At that time her career was quite a high-powered one. She has loads of editorial experience and her resume brags the likes of Cosmo, Bene, Glamour, and New York.

Today Cup of Jo has a team of writers and is Joanna’s full-time gig. She lives in Brooklynn with her husband and two kids. The blog covers relationships, design, food, style, travel, culture, and motherhood. This is a great blog for women.

Target Audience: Women and mothers of all ages

5. Say Yes (sayyes.com)

Say Yes - lifestyle blog
Say Yes

The founder of this award-winning site is Liz Stanley. She began her blogging adventure in 2006 with the Hoboken site, which in time became the Say Yes blog. Say Yes celebrates family life. This is a website devoted to lifestyle with practical advice on home, travel, and personal style. In my opinion, this is an amazing blog with beautiful photos.

If you want to know more about photography check out my article: The best photography blogs.

Target Audience: Parents and women of all ages.

6. The Everygirl (theeverygirl.com)

The Everygirl Lifestyle Blog Home Page
The Everygirl

It is a widely recognized lifestyle blog and online resource that specifically targets millennial women. With a mission to empower and inspire women in their twenties and thirties, The Everygirl offers a wide range of content spanning career, finance, home decor, fashion, wellness, and more.

The blog resonates with millennial women who are navigating the complexities of adulthood, whether it be launching a career, managing finances, creating a stylish and inviting home, or cultivating a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The Everygirl understands the unique challenges and aspirations of this demographic and provides relatable and actionable advice to help them thrive.

With its visually appealing layout, engaging articles, and diverse contributors, The Everygirl creates a sense of community and fosters a supportive environment where millennial women can connect, learn, and grow together. The blog’s target audience appreciates its practical tips, career insights, relatable personal stories, and curated content that reflects their interests and aspirations.

Target Audience: Millennial Women.

7. Wellness Mama (wellnessmama.com)

The best blogs in DIY category

Katie Wells is the founder and main boss lady of the Wellness Mama blog. Mom of 6, with a background in journalism, Katie is a woman of many talents and aspirations. When confronted with health struggles, Katie jumped right in and began researching natural and alternative ways to get better. And from this passion, Wellness Mama was founded.

Katie is helped by a team of medical advisors, writers, and researchers. They bring accurate, trustworthy content to readers and the blog has an excellent reputation as being a reliable resource on many aspects of natural living and parenthood.

You will find practical advice on parenting, DIY household design hacks and beauty tips, natural and herbal remedies, recipes and so much more.

Target Audience: Parents and people into natural living.

8. A Girl In Progress (agirlinprogress.com)


A Girl In Progress is a lifestyle blog aimed at empowering women to get the best out of life. It’s for women who are working for themselves, on themselves. It’s for all the women (but men can gain too!) that are out there surviving and thriving. The blog features articles that will inspire, empower, motivate, and encourage.

The blog has these categories: Do, Work, Grow, Glow, Accept, Love, Live.

Here are some recent blog post titles:

  • 5 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude – And How To Do It Daily
  • How to know if you’re choosing a life path for the right reasons
  • Why we need to stop complimenting women on losing weight
  • How to navigate adult friendships in your 20s

Target Audience: Millennial women and non-binary folk across the globe.

9. Wit and Delight (witanddelight.com)


Wit & Delight is an awesome lifestyle blog aimed at a wide audience. They focus on frivolous topics, like fashion and decor, to the more serious ones like mental health and self-acceptance. But in between, you will find blog posts full of energy and zest. This is a great lifestyle blog for people who want a bit of everything on the same plate.

Target Audience: People with a zest for life.

10. Downshiftology (downshiftology.com)


Downshiftology is a lifestyle blog that reflects the philosophy of its author and founder, Lisa Bryan. Lisa is a “food lover, meal prep fanatic, massive wanderluster, and a firm believer in self-care and ‘taking it down a notch’.” It’s all about balance. Her blog features a delicious recipe section that has recipes by course, by ingredients, by holidays, and by special diets. The travel section has blog posts that are loaded with practical advice for traveling as well as recommendations for accommodation and sightseeing across the globe!

11. Cookin with Mima

Best Lifestyle blogs to follow
Cookin with Mima

This food blog was founded by Mariam Ezzeddine, and grew out of her passion for food. Mima – mother of two wonderful sons, shares her passion with readers, wants to convey to everyone that cooking does not have to be difficult, and everyone can do it. On the website, Miriam presents simple recipes of delicious dishes that anyone can prepare. You can also find CookinWithMima on Instagram.

Luxury Lifestyle Blogs

12. Luxe Digital (luxe.digital)


Luxe Digital is a classic example of a high-end lifestyle blog. It caters to professionals, both men and women. The blog is sleek and sophisticated. No tacky ads are popping out at you which, in my opinion, is beyond irritating. There’s nothing worse than trying to spend a few stolen minutes in the day, indulging in some fantasy shopping, and half the time is spent dodging ads!

You feel me, right?

Luxe Digital is a new blog that was launched in 2018. Florine Eppe Beauloye, the editor-in-chief, heads up a global team. Together they source and procure all things luxe. The blog itself is a dream to navigate and it’s split into ‘Business’ and ‘Lifestyle’. When you subscribe to their mailing list you get given the option of a monthly business letter, a lifestyle letter, or both.

Luxe Digital also offers discounts, previews on new items, and special offers.

Here’s what you will find:


  • Speakeasy
  • Trending
  • Ranking
  • Opinions
  • Reports


  • Dining
  • Cars
  • Home
  • Scene
  • Style
  • Technology
  • Travel
  • Beauty

Target Audience: Young professionals with money to spend on luxury items.

13. Luxury Society (luxurysociety.com)


Luxury Society is the editorial division of the Digital Luxury Group (DLG). It provides excellent resources and in-depth interviews and articles for people in the industry.

This lifestyle blog is aimed at luxury brand executives but anyone that has a passion for luxury brands, and what goes on in this industry, will find this blog phenomenal. The articles cover retail, digital, consumers, leaders, and events in the world of luxury retail shopping. The focus is on how the digital landscape is shaping the way forward for both the brands and the consumers. And gives insights into where the market is heading and what to look forward to from various brands in the coming year.

Excellent articles cover topics that are informative and loaded with great fashion and products. What sets this blog apart is that there are no adverts or stores. It does provide great analysis, reports, studies, and features. This blog is purely to inform and enjoy!

Target Audience: Luxury Brand Executives, Industry Heavyweights, and Thought Leaders.

14. Prestige Digital (prestigedigital.net)


Prestige is a digital and printed upmarket lifestyle magazine. It is quite elite and only 15,000 copies are printed and distributed amongst 42 airport lounges. This magazine, based in South Africa, is filled with international and local offerings of the highest caliber.

Prestige Digital features Lifestyle, Travel, Videos, News, and Automotive sections on their digital platform and that is available to everyone for free. So this is a great find.

Target Audience: “High Net Worth individuals and Motivated Aspirational individuals” (Prestige’s words.)

15. The CEO Magazine (theceomagazine.com)


Another high-end magazine aimed at investors, leaders, entrepreneurs, and thinkers of the day. The magazine is a source of inspiration that provides in-depth interviews and top quality articles that provide insight into emerging economic trends and feature companies, ideas, strategies, and people that inhabit the top echelons of society.

Target Audience: Powerful Leaders, Executives, Investors and Entrepreneurs.

Health and Foodie Lifestyle Blogs

Food and lifestyle blogs cover emerging trends in food, articles on chefs, restaurants, and places to visit. Food blogs that talk about home entertaining or meals for families or dining out become more than just food blogs. Their authors share amazing recipes and anecdotes with readers and often have promotions, discounts, and special offers on various products and services. The line between food blog, lifestyle blog, and health blog is fuzzy, to say the least.

For most of us, food is more than just fuel for the body. Meals shared with friends and family create memories and because our diets influence our health, it makes sense that these topics are an integral part of the lifestyles we embrace. This next batch of food, health, and lifestyle bloggers bring us riveting, colorful content regularly.

16. Carrots ‘N’ Cake (carrotsncake.com)


Tina is a certified Nutrition Coach and a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P). She combines fitness programs with diets and life coaching to help people get a balance in life through eating right and staying fit. This blog leans more towards the health and fitness genre than it does towards the health and lifestyle one. Her blog focuses on weight loss, fitness, colitis, recipes, and nutrition.

Here are some typical blog post titles:

  • The #1 mistake women make with diets
  • Why don’t the calories and the macros in MyFitnessPal match?
  • How to break a weight loss plateau

Target Audience: Women wanting to improve health in all areas.

17. Fit Men Cook (fitmencook.com)

Lifestyle blogs to follow
Fit Men Cook – Lifestyle Blog

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Kevin Curry started his health and fitness journey back in 2012. He started FitMenCook as a way to hold himself accountable during his diet but what happened was even better. Kevin lost weight, got fit, and formed an online health community through his blog.

FitMenCook is where Kevin shares simple recipes he used during his diet. He found that blogging motivated him to stick with his diet and he was right in thinking it would inspire others to join him. The rest, they say, is history.

Kevin focuses on easy, simple recipes that are the basis for building new, healthy habits. Fit Men Cook rose from a small personal blog to a winning formula. Kevin is the author of the FitMenCook cookbook and the FitMenCook app.

Target Audience: Men who want to get healthy and lose weight.

Read more about The Best Health Blogs here.

18. Kayla Itsines (kaylaitsines.com)

Best lifestyle blogs
Kayla Itsines

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Kayla Itsines is a powerhouse of talent, success, and hard work. She created the BBG workouts and ebooks and is co-founder of the Bikini Body Training Company. In 2016, her “Sweat with Kayla” app was the highest-grossing fitness app that year. She is also recognized by Time magazine as one of the 30 most influential people on the Internet.

The content of her blog offers training guides, recipes, and blog posts that educate readers on health and fitness. She is a great motivator. And there is an online BBG community that shares their triumphs and transformations Kayla’s mission is to help women achieve a perfect level of fitness and a sense of greater confidence and happiness.

Target Audience: Women who want to get fit and lose weight.

Read more about The Best Fitness Blogs here.

This is also a blog that veers more towards health and fitness than it does towards food and lifestyle. Below are three more examples of food, travel, and lifestyle blogs.

19. MindBodyGreen (mindbodygreen.com)

mindbodygreen lifestyle blog home page

It is a highly regarded lifestyle blog that has become a leading authority in the field of holistic wellness. With a mission to empower individuals to lead healthier, more balanced lives, mindbodygreen offers a wealth of content, resources, and tools that encompass various aspects of well-being.

From nutrition and fitness to mental health, mindfulness, and sustainable living, mindbodygreen covers a wide range of topics, catering to the diverse needs and interests of its audience. The platform provides expert insights, practical tips, inspiring stories, and evidence-based information to guide readers on their wellness journeys.

Mindbodygreen embraces a holistic approach to well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It promotes a balanced and conscious lifestyle, encouraging readers to prioritize self-care, cultivate mindfulness, and make informed choices that align with their overall well-being.

What sets mindbodygreen apart is its commitment to quality and credibility. It features contributions from renowned experts, health practitioners, and thought leaders in the wellness industry, ensuring that the content is trustworthy, reliable, and backed by scientific research.

Target Audience: People who crave for healthier and more fulfilled life.

Food and Travel Lifestyle Blogs

Travel and food is another stellar combination that joins the lifestyle blog category. For many people traveling is a great way to experience new cultures and different foods. But not everyone gets to travel and that’s why travel and food blogs are gobbled up so voraciously by millions of readers who love cooking dishes from around the world. Food and travel bloggers are usually keen photographers so these blogs are loaded with images of exotic destinations and culinary adventures.

20. Molly Yeh (mynameisyeh.com)


Molly has been blogging about her travels and food fantasies since 2009. She is a Juilliard graduate that has swapped the bright lights of New York for the starry nights of farm life. Her blog is a journal of her travels and adventures as well as a platform to share her stunning collection of recipes.

Target Audience: Millennials and Gen Z women that want a taste of country living with a dash of travel.

21. Food Fun Travel (foodfuntravel.com)


Tommo and Megsy are a pair of fearless foodies that spend their lives traveling, cooking, and taking photos! They are living their dream. And we get to share it through the content in their blog which is laden with travel tips, fun and activities, recipes, and destinations. You’ll find accommodation reviews and a variety of tour packages. The food section showcases dishes from different destinations around the world and also advises on where to find the best restaurants on your travels.

Target Audience: Everyone that loves food and travel!

22. Pilot Guides (pilotguides.com)


This is a fantastic site for couchsurfing travelers that want to be inspired by food and culture from around the world. Pick a continent and then pick a country. You will be directed to podcasts and articles featuring everything you need to know about the individual countries. Read about food, religion, dress, and languages. Articles include interesting myths and urban legends of famous places as well as more current news, food etiquette, and more.

And then get off the couch and book your next trip to a new destination!!

23. Shut up and go

best lifestyle bloggers
Shut Up and Go

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Shut Up and Go is a blog founded by a pair of well-known YouTubers: American Damon Dominique and Brazilian Joanna (Jo) Franco. See for yourself that the world has no limits, live as you dreamed, no one will stop you – unless you.

You may also like: Top 40 Music Blogs Of All Time

Fashion and Beauty Lifestyle Blogs

Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle blogs are often popular because the blogger is also a social media influencer. So there are many blogs named after the bloggers themselves. This is more common today than in the past, thanks to Instagram.

Here are two fashion and lifestyle blogs that might catch your fancy.

24. Refinery29 (refinery29.com)


Refinery 29 is an awesome lifestyle blog. It has something for everyone. Whether you like shopping online for cosmetics and fashion or staying on top of the latest news in entertainment, arts, and culture, you’ll find something that piques your interest here. The blog is broken up into the following categories:

  • Entertainment
  • Style
  • Food
  • Work and Money – personal finance, tech, etc.
  • News – features
  • Wellness – body
  • Lifestyle – weddings, travel, home, and decor
  • Beauty – covers cosmetics for skin, hair, and nails

Target Audience: Everyone that likes to stay updated on new trends in food, fashion, decor, tech, travel, entertainment, and more.

25. Akanksha Redhu

Best lifestyle blogs
Akanksha Redhu

This is a typical fashion & lifestyle blog. An unusual combination of many passions in one fascinating place. Akanksha writes about inspirations and daydreams, about fashion, lifestyle, beauty, travel, and yoga.

She started this blog in 2010. Over the years as her followers and readers grew she formed collaborations with brands and companies and today her blog is still one of the best lifestyle blogs on the internet.

Find articles with titles like:

  • First Trip Post Lockdown – Narendra Bhawan
  • Easiest Ice-Cream You’ll Ever Make/ No Ice-Cream Maker/No Churn
  • Varu By Atmosphere – Maldives

Target Audience: Women between 20 – 50.

26. Huda Beauty

Best Lifestyle blogs
Huda Beauty Blog

In 2010, Huda Kattan set up her Huda Beauty blog to share her passion for beauty and make-up. From her childhood, Huda felt that “Beauty can change the way a woman feels,” makes her “fearless, unstoppable.” The blog was created out of pure passion and willingness to share hacks and DIYs. On her blog, Huda shares her beauty tips, tests products, advises on professional make-up. She founded the cosmetic brand Huda Beauty. Explore other popular beauty blogs.

27. The Blonde Salad (theblondesalad.com)

The Blond Salad Home Page
The Blonde Salad

Founded by Chiara Ferragni, The Blonde Salad is a highly influential fashion and lifestyle blog. It offers a mix of fashion-forward outfits, beauty recommendations, travel diaries, and insights into the fashion industry. The blog showcases Chiara’s unique style and has become a go-to destination for fashion

Men’s Lifestyle Blogs

These differ from female-orientated lifestyle blogs in that they’ll feature typical “Guy Stuff” like automotive, DIY home renovations, grooming, tech, and men’s fashion and style tips.

28. He Spoke Style (hespokestyle.com)


Here’s one just for the boys! Brain Sacawa started this blog in 2013. He curates ensembles that are geared for the modern, fashion-conscious man. He offers practical advice on style and grooming, but also blogs about the latest in men’s accessories, like watches and colognes.

Never heard of ‘Accordion pleats’ or ‘Argyle’? For men who are new to fashion, Brian offers a glossary that explains the different styles and names of clothes.

Target Audience: Millennial Men.

29. Primer (primermagazine.com)

The best lifestyle bloggers
Primer Magazine

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Andrew has created a lifestyle blog for men who are facing the usual issues that crop up between their 20s and 30s. This blog is a statement as well as a go-to-guide for men who want to look good and feel good without spending a fortune. It also addresses deeper issues that men these days have to navigate, like career success and personal wellness, both body and mind.

Primer Magazine shares content for men who are looking to improve their life and clothing styles. This is not a typical male blog. Primer Magazine looks at new ways of bettering ourselves, as well as returning to the ideas of manhood that may have skipped our generation.

Target Audience: Millennial men.

List Of Lifestyle Blogs Worth A Visit

These blogs have either been showcased by me in other articles, appear both in printed and digital format, or stand out in some unique way. There is not enough space to mention all the brilliant lifestyle blogs out there.

  • Highsnobiety
  • Luxury Asia
  • Luxury Lifestyle Mag
  • Sphere
  • Stylish By Nature
  • Get Busy Living
  • The Sunday Chapter
  • The Skinny Confidential
  • Blissful Gal
  • A Piece of Toast
  • Verve Magazine
  • Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
  • Dad Camp
  • The Quintessential Mind
  • Hand Luggage Only
  • The Expert Vagabond

Conclusion – and some final advice for new lifestyle bloggers

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These are all great examples of very successful lifestyle bloggers. Don’t feel like you need to have over a million followers on Instagram before you start writing your blog if you have something to say – WRITE IT!

Don’t let the lack of people knowing who you are, stop you from following your passion. No one got their start easy; it takes time and dedication. If you’re ready to start your own blog, I have some simple tips for you, that will help you get started.

As long as you write about what is important to you, you’ll do well. I’ve seen more blogs fail because the author wanted to go with the trends of blogs, didn’t speak knowledgeably about what they were writing about, and eventually, they lost sight of their goals. Why? Because they didn’t have a passion to follow their dreams.

Do some research – follow a few popular influencers and bloggers in your niche. Use them as “guidelines” for topics and such. Remember that just because they wrote about it doesn’t mean you can’t too! Everyone has their perspective and voice about a subject. Follow the advice of Julie Sarinana, “Dream, Believe, Achieve.”

Do you have other suggestions for lifestyle blogs?

If you want to learn more about how to make money blogging, read my article.


  1. Greetings from Kumar!

    I love the knowledge you provide here, so I came home and checked your blog in my comfort zone to gain more knowledge.

    Thanks & keep it up…:)

  2. Thanks for this great post, i find it very interesting and very well thought out and put together. I look forward to reading your work in the future.

  3. Hey, I just went through your blog and I really find it interesting and fun. Hope to see many more blogs like this in the coming days. Great job. Thank you.

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  5. Hi Monika,
    Love this way of life blog. It gives you the scope of verity just as expand perusers. I never truly comprehended what the thing that matters was. You’ve motivated me to perhaps begin my very own blog. From your article, I have an idea of what I can blog about. Thanks…

  6. Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog. your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job. Keep it up.

  7. Thanks for publishing this blog. Really an informative blog. All the content and information on this blog is unique.

  8. This was very helpful so thank you for sharing your knowledge about lifestyle blogs, I never really knew what the difference was. You’ve inspired me to maybe start my own blog in 2020!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing, I started a lifestyle blog too, but I did not know how to go about. At least from this your article I have an Idea what I can blog about.

  10. Thank you for the list Monika! I already follow “A cup of Jo” and “Chiara Ferragni”, they have great content. Can’t wait to check out the others!! Have an awesome week!

  11. Very good article, good points, but I don’t agree with the advice to start a blog for every niche. A lifestyle blogger writes and share bout general topics. I wouldn’t visit a blog just to read only about fashion or makeup and so on. I like diversity and I know many people would agree with me.
    I’m a lifestyle blogger myself and I write about general topics.

    1. When you start a blog, the most important thing is to get an audience. Choosing a specific niche makes it easier to reach a particular reader interested in the topic you are writing about. Lifestyle is a vast niche, covering fashion, travel, food, beauty, sport, etc. You can write about everything or narrow down this niche, for example only for travel. It is up to you. Good luck with growing your blog, Maria.

  12. Hey, I am an aspirant influencer and I was searching ideas for start a fashion blog and just found your content. You helped me a lot. Thank you for share

  13. I’ve seen my blog grow over time but still not as much as it should have over the last year.
    When I started I just blogged about what came to mind instead of what would be beneficial for my readers.
    Now I see that I need to get more focused and write for my readers more.

  14. I never knew that lifestyle blogs focus more on the readers and their expectations or needs than the author and their stories. My husband and I recently retired, so I’ve been trying to find some hobbies and activities to fill all of my newly acquired free time. I’ll have to start looking into lifestyle blogs to read some fun articles and to get inspiration for various niches like cooking or traveling.

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